Connecting with the Earth is nothing new, and neither is the notion that connecting with the Earth is good for us. When we ground with the Earth we are connecting to her energy and settling our bodies into this reality. The term “grounding” has been around for awhile, but it has taken on a new level of depth in this past 30 years or so. Let’s dive into it.
The Earth has it’s own frequency called the Schumann Resonance, 7.83 hz (Biotonomy). This frequency has a direct effect on the human health. What has been shown through more recent studies is that we are electrically made to have a relationship with the Earth. The Earth’s charge helps stabilize the physiology of our bodies (Wendy Menigoz, et al).
The Earth corrects what is called “electron deficiency syndrome” (Wendy Menigoz, et al). It also assists in improving: inflammation, pain, stress, blood flow, energy, sleep, and even our bodies ability to heal itself (Oschman JL, Chevalier G, Brown R). Earth is the original painkiller.
Let’s look at one basic hypothesis to how this all works:
The Power Of Electrons
Free radicals are positively charged molecules that strip electrons from healthy tissue, which leads to damage. Free radicals are naturally occurring and are constantly being produced by our cells, and can be neutralized by free electrons (Wendy Menigoz, et al).
The Earth is effected electrically by many things: lightening, solar radiation, etc. This supplies our Earth consistently with “subatomic particles called free electrons that give the Earth a natural negative charge” (Wendy Menigoz, et al).
The basic idea is that when we are connected to the Earth with our bare skin, or through a neutral material barrier, there is a transfer of free electrons from Earth to us. Your body brings these electrons where they need to go and rapidly decrease chronic or temporary inflammation in the body (Wendy Menigoz, et al). It also helps injuries to heal quicker and lessens the potential for collateral damage to healthy tissue. The mobile electrons act as a natural antioxidants (Oschman JL, Chevalier G, Brown R).
This exchange of electrons plays a role for the animal and plant kingdoms on Earth- regulating everything around us, including ourselves!
Let’s look at a more specific aspect: Blood Flow
Let’s start with the term zeta potential. Zeta potential has to do with the strength of the negative charge on the surface of red blood cells (Wendy Menigoz, et al). The greater the charge, the greater potential the cells have to repel each other to prevent things like clumping, which would prevent healthy flow. Studies show that the zeta potential of each cell increases by an average of 270% within two hours of grounding (Wendy Menigoz, et al).
Grounding is an incredibly effective way to re-charge our system.
Incorporating grounding into your life is super simple, there are two main ways:
Go outside, slip off your shoes, and touch the Earth! Don’t overcomplicate it, you can lay down, sit down, walk, whatever you’d like- just make sure your feet or some part of your body is touching the Earth.
If you don’t have access to the natural ground close by, or don’t have the time, you can purchase grounding mats or sheets for your house (available online, I don’t have a personal brand to recommend, but there are different options).
While grounding is incredibly healthy for our mind and body, connecting with Mother Earth (Gaia) also has a deep effect on our Spirit, and is an aspect of our spirituality that everyone can connect to.
The term “grounding” is used spiritually to invoke a deeper meaning. When you ground your energy to the Earth, you are tethering yourself to her energy not only for healing, but to keep your body attached and present to this reality.
Let me give an example for those new to spiritually grounding :
Avatar The Last Airbender: when Aang is preparing to travel into the spirit world through what we would call astral traveling, he sits down and enters into meditation. Through doing so, he grounds his body to that specific place on Earth. He then spiritually (astrally) travels out, while his body remains safely tethered to the spot where he left it. That way when he returns, he can return safely and re-incorporate into his body and his reality. Grounding to Earth also helps Aang stay calm and collected as he is experiencing his life and learning the elements. Specifically when Aang is learning earth bending, he is connecting with the energy plain of the Earth. He takes a deep breath before bending (while he is learning) and connects his energy down into the ground as it sends out ripples into the ground around him so that he can sense where his opponents are at and how they are moving. Each element is as aspect of the Earth representing different parts of Gaia’s spirit, and shows we can learn many things from her and have a deep meaningful relationship.
Grounding with Mother Earth helps to ensure that when we are meditating, or just going through life, that our body is attached to the Earth and our reality. It also helps us be present in our bodies, and re-incorporate into our world after spiritual experiences that occur outside of the body. Our root chakra is connected to the Earth, and due to that our connection with her can help us feel safe and secure, and creates a loving and steady foundation for us to work from. Grounding is an essential first step in spiritual practices.
We all have this spiritual connection to Gaia, whether we are aware of her presence in our life is dependent upon our relationship with her. She is a loving, compassionate, mother energy that exists all around us, and grounding is one way to connect with her energy. When we sit on the Earth and meditate, we can invite her in so that we are not only benefitting from the physical aspect, but also from her spirit as well. While you do not have to be outside or physically connected with the Earth to connect spiritually with Gaia by any means, I do feel it is helpful.
Everything around us is energy and carries a frequency, and that includes Gaia. She is affected by everything we do and don’t do, and like anything else she is conscious and alive. Connecting with her spirit can have a profound effect on the relationship you have with Earth, with yourself, and the outlook you have on your life.
If you are new to spiritual grounding and would like to incorporate a technique into your life, here is a grounding exercise you can try:
Find a quiet place to sit or lay down where you will not be bothered.
Close your eyes, and start by taking some deep breaths and just focus on how it feels to take these breaths. In through the nose, and out through the mouth. If you are someone who likes listening to meditation music, feel free to put that on to help you.
At this point I like to protect my space. This is a step I include anytime I am doing energy work for myself or others, anytime I am meditating, or attempting to receive messages/insight. This is my personal practice, and yours does not have to look like this. However, I would encourage you to partake in some kind of protective step.
I begin by placing myself within a diamond, and expand this diamond around my entire body until I feel safe within it’s walls. I will then say “all healings or messages that come through today are for the highest good of all concerned and are for my highest good. I am protected in this white light and only beings of love and light are allowed to assist me. any parts of me that are wanting to talk for the time being I am going to enter into a meditation, but once I am done I will be ready to hear anything you have to say”. This helps my mind quiet down and ease any emotions I am feeling in that moment. I will also call in spirit guides, loved ones, ancestors, higher self, Gaia, etc, or whomever I am wishing to invite into my meditation.
Take your attention to the top of your head and imagine a white light. This white light is made purely of compassion, love, and healing energy.
Begin to bring this white light down to the top of your head letting it fill the space of your crown chakra. You will then carry this light down through each chakra, letting it fill each space fully. Go at the pace that you need. Once this white light reaches your root chakra, send it through your legs into the bottoms of your feet. Then feel this white light shooting out from the bottom of your feet down into the Earth. Imagine sending roots made of white light down into the Earth until you feel they are completely spread out and have reached her center. Feel Gaia’s love and compassionate energy sending back up to you, and carry this energy all the way out of the top of your head until it connects with the source of the white light. This will create a steady stream of white light from your crown all the way to your root.
If you are unfamiliar with the chakras, I would suggest giving it a quick search and begin to familiarize yourself with them. However, to begin you can also just carry this white light slowly down through the different sections of your body.
Stay in this energy as long as you want, feeling it’s healing frequency.
Whenever you are ready, make small movements to adjust your body back, and open your eyes whenever you are ready.
Once you get really good at this, you will be able to adjust your speed as you need. You will also be able to connect with this frequency quicker and quicker the more you practice. So in moments where you are overwhelmed, frustrated, or whatever it may be, you can connect with this frequency, do some deep breathing, and help to ground your system even if you don’t have 5-10 minutes to do the full exercise.
If you are wanting to connect with Gaia spiritually, here is a meditation exercise you can try:
Head outside if you can, and find a spot in nature where you feel comfortable and at peace. Make sure you won’t be bothered in this spot.
Ground in and protect your space. If you are unfamiliar with grounding techniques there are some great grounding meditations online. You can also use the exercise above or your own grounding technique. Make sure to ask Gaia to join you today on this meditation.
Once you feel connected and grounded in, begin to send roots made of white light into the earth. Feel how strongly you are being held to the Earth, as if a strong magnet is attached to your root chakra. Once the roots feel spread out, feel Gaia sending her energy through them back to you, and let them carry your energy into the heart chakra located in the chest.
Ask Gaia to be present with you, and to connect with her energy. Listen to the way the wind blows, the birds sing, the way the Earth feels below you. Really tune in to the nature around you, and what it feels like to be connected to her. For some she might become a visual presence in the minds eye, some might receive messages, some maybe just a feeling. As you are paying attention to all nature around you with each of your senses, just relax in being fully present for 5-10 minutes, or however long you’d like. Gaia has a healing presence about her, let that compassion and love fill your being as you are meditating.
Whenever you are ready to return, begin to make slight movements to get your body to awake again, and open your eyes when you are ready.
This exercise is intended to aid you as you begin to connect with the energy of Gaia. The more you connect with her, the easier it will become, just like anything else it takes practice to get right, and dedication to form a relationship.
Basically, the Earth is amazing! Whether you need physical, emotional, or spiritual healing she is there for you and filled with unconditional love and healing power. So if you are ever feeling alone, or like no one can help you, remember Gaia is right outside just waiting to connect with you.
Oschman JL, Chevalier G, Brown R. The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. J Inflamm Res. 2015 Mar 24;8:83-96. doi: 10.2147/JIR.S69656. PMID: 25848315; PMCID: PMC4378297.
Biotonomy. (2022, November 3). How the earths natural frequency impacts human wellbeing. biotonomy.,living%20things%20on%20the%20planet.
Wendy Menigoz, Tracy T. Latz, Robin A. Ely, Cimone Kamei, Gregory Melvin, Drew Sinatra. Integrative and lifestyle medicine strategies should include Earthing (grounding): Review of research evidence and clinical observations, EXPLORE, Volume 16, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 152-160, ISSN 1550-8307.