The wisdom of Energies, frequencies, and our health





The medicine of frequencies is nothing new, though it may feel new to us in the west. To break down how all of this connects we need to learn some terms and set some basic principles.

  1. Atoms are high frequency vibrations of energy

  2. If something has electricity, it has a magnetic field

  3. Humans are vibrational beings with electricity and therefore we each have our own individual magnetic field

  4. There is energy all around us and ancient masters were able to understand this

  5. Our energy and the energy around us effects our health

Don’t worry- I will explain all of that!

Let’s talk about energy and how it relates to our bodies. Atoms are high frequency vibrations of energy. We also know that our emotions are energy. Different energies are encoded into the rhythms of our heart and can be identified by heart rate variability. Meaning when we experience different emotions, they can be illustrated and measured by the way our heart rate fluctuates.

Emotions like love and compassion cause the heart rate to speed and slow down into a healthy pattern balancing the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, which then communicate with the brain (McCraty R, Zayas MA).

Let’s take a look at another emotional state, what is considered: “state of coherence”. You may know it as a flow-state, a state of harmony (McCraty R, Zayas MA). We all have experienced this at some point in our lives; a really good example of this is in the Disney movie Soul, the main character enters his flow state through music and is transcended to this sort of energetic plane where he is fully connected to that around him. You may have heard it referred to as: our groove, feeling completely present, on a role, etc. People describe it in many different ways.

When this is happening the rhythms of our heart entrain with our brain waves.

Meaning, the two synchronize and feed into each other (Abrams, M.). This state has a profound effect on our being. If effects how we act, how we perceive others and that around us, anxiety reduces, test scores go up, etc. Doctor Mitchell Abrams provides a great analogy comparing the heart to that of a conductor to the body. Meaning when your heart is in a healthy pattern, it entrains the brain, and then begins to control the other organs as well. A whole symphony playing in harmony with each other, the heart at the lead (Abrams, M.).

So the next question we need to address is how does all of this connect with humans being energetic beings? What does the heart have to do with that?

The heart is the largest source of bioenergy in your body.

Like I stated above, physics says that if something has electricity, it has a magnetic field. So it makes sense for humans to also have this field around them. The heart is the largest source of bioenergy in your body, setting the average field at 3-4 feet outward from us (at least that we have measured). A study was done that showed that when two individuals were both being monitored, and one person began to think of love and compassion towards themselves and others, generally entering into that state of coherence, that the two hearts began to synchronize (Abrams, M.). At Haifa university scientists found that when you create what is called physiologic coupling, your pain perception can decrease by over 50% (Abrams, M.). 

Your state of being not only effects you, but everything around you.

“The greatest illusion in this world is separation” - Albert Einstein

Now that we have established some basic understanding of how energy interacts within our physical bodies and emotions, let’s go even deeper.

The connection to everything around us is also found within.

To further understand why this idea has permeated our reality for thousands of years, we need to understand that the ancients also understood the human biofield, the energies around us, and the importance of taking that into consideration when looking at a persons health. Let’s take a look:

Many of you have probably heard of Siddha or Ayurvedic medicine practices. We will not be covering the deep history of that here, but what you need to know for our purpose is that Ayurvedic goes back more than 5000 years ago, and Siddha medicine goes back 10,000 years ago with origins in India as a medical practice to help heal the body from a mind, body, spirit approach (Vasant Lad, MASc, and The Ayurvedic Institute). It stems from ancient vedic culture and was passed down by enlightened masters who had access to this information. Through a culmination of different practices and knowledge, came an understanding of our energy.

There are many factors to understanding this ancient medical perspective on the human experience, but we are going to talk about 2:

Chakras & The 5 Koshas (Sheaths)

Chakra in sanskirt means “spinning wheel of energy”, and Kosha translates to “sheath” similar to the word “layer”. Generally speaking, we have energy pockets within our bodies that have to do with a variety of things that effect our physical and emotional health. Their understanding went beyond just what we see in this physical reality. Each sheath can be associated with a chakra and by understanding the knowledge behind each layer we can begin to understand just how much the ancients understood about energy and our well being.

Life is composed of five elements that are associated with patterns of human physiology. Each of those five elements is associated with a sheath, and as we will also explain here, a chakra (Chaudhary, K). I will not be breaking down the qualities of the chakras, a basic understanding is helpful to understand the full impact of this section.

  1. The outer most layer is the physical, associated with the element of earth. This sheath can be associated with our root chakra and therefore is associated with the qualities of the root chakra.

  2. The next layer working inwards is the prana associated with the water element. This is the energy body, it connects the physical to the mental. Energy practitioners often access this sheath when doing healing work with clients. This sheath can be associated with our sacral chakra and therefore carries the qualities of the sacral chakra.

  3. The next inner layer is the mental body, associated with the element of fire. As we enter into the mental body sheath, there begins a shift of looking outside ourselves, to looking inwards. This sheath is associated with the solar plexus chakra and therefore carries the qualities of said chakra.

  4. The next layer is the wisdom body associated with the element of air. This is a big shift as we enter into the innerworld that lies within us. In this layer, knowledge begins to become spontaneous. It offers an understanding of the subtle energies that surround us and that exist in the entire universe. This sheath is associated with the heart chakra and therefore carries the qualities of said chakra.

  5. The final sheath (before the soul) is called the bliss body and is associated with the element of ether. This is the thinest layer to the soul, so within this sheath we begin to see qualities of the soul becoming very strong. This is the sheath that the ancient Siddhas (enlightened masters) developed the power to be able to work outside of space and time to receive information and supernatural abilities. This is also the sheath that mantras were perceived from.

At the center of all of this is the soul. Your pure existence.

Understanding these perspectives is important because we now know scientifically, that much of what these ancient practices teach, can actually be proven or correlated to how we understand medicine today.

For example:

Each chakra has a placement within the body and different parts of the human health associated with it. “The nervous system consists of a person’s brain and spinal column, which contain nerves. These nerves branch off from the spine in bundles (plexuses) and connect to other areas of the body. The primary chakras, which are located down the spine, may correspond to the central nervous system. Their connection to specific aspects of health may relate to different nerve plexuses.” (Villines, Z). To be clear, this is up for debate among scientists, but there is a correlation of the placement of chakras and their characteristics, and how we understand the nervous system today.

Another example can be found by looking at the solar plexus chakra. This chakra has to do physically with the stomach (as well as some other organs), and is associated with the mental body sheath. We now know (and may I add this wasn’t until recently) how important the gut to brain connection is. That the health of your stomach and the health of your mind are correlated (Chaudhary, K).

Let’s look at one final example, the heart chakra, or wisdom body sheath. This sheath, or heart chakra, creates an opening for us to change our perspective from the outward to the inward. The heart chakra is activated, or opened, by a sense of devotion. This love and devotion creates a positive health within your body and allows you to continue to move inwards. A connection to love and compassion. We now know in western medicine that this is indeed true, as we explained in the beginning of this article. To recap: “state of coherence”, “flow state”, love, compassion, not only creates great health for the heart, but also for the rest of your body.

The ancient knowledge of chakras and koshas are common and have been used for thousands of years in eastern culture. In the western world, they have been introduced, but many still look to these methods of including the energetic and emotional bodies as unscientific.

“Science in the twenty-first century does NOT encourage scientists to take risks in their pursuit of “the facts”—particularly when those facts call into question long-established notions” - Graham Hancock

However, they are slowly being incorporated into the Western world. With the discovery of EKG, EEG, ultrasound, lithotripsy, magnetic resonance guided focused ultrasound, sound (frequency, waves) are appearing more and more within our Western world (Chaudhary, K). Hopefully, we can begin to change our mindset and perspective on the human health, and begin to understand a more holistic approach. This leads us to another way the Western world is beginning to open up to ancient knowledge and medical practices, let’s go back to the biofield.

The biofield is “natures original wireless communication system” (Doctor Beverly Rubik, biophysicist).

With the emergence of biofield science (biological field term coined in 1992), a committee was formed to explain and study two major things:

  1. to understand “the complex homeodynamic regulation of living systems” (Rubik B, Muehsam D, Hammerschlag R, Jain S).

  2. Why energy work studies that been done showing positive results, held those results. No one could argue that people were having positive effects from things like reiki, acupuncture, etc, but why were they happening? (Rubik B, Muehsam D, Hammerschlag R, Jain S).

This new section of science provided a different way to study the effects of the two above stated points from a different perspective than “life as chemistry”. This platform gave researchers, scientists, etc, a way to study integrative health practices- including ancient health practices! I will provide another article describing more about the biofield study, but this is all we need to know about this subject for now. This should be exciting for everybody, because this gives a new study unprecedented access and potential to discover the hidden mysteries of life and health and why ultimately evidential experience has showed practices like prayer, energy work, sound, intention, holding positive results now from a biological perspective.

Let’s recap what we have established thus far: how we are energetic beings through exploring the biofield and the correlation of emotions to heart and brain health, and how ancient health practices correlate to what we have proven in modern day.

Now that we understand the energy within us, the next step in this puzzle is to understand the energy outside of our bodies, and how that effects our personal health.

Time to talk about akash/ether/ZPE! Let’s start with what the heck is that:

Akash is ether, and for the sake of this conversation I will be using them interchangeably. The idea within this section is not to get caught up on the vocabulary, but the implications of the meaning and possibility of the proposed hypothesis.

Akash is a concept that something is all around us, nothing around us is empty, it is filled with this energy field akash (Chaudhary, K). Akash holds vibratory codes for all existence and is a record for life. Akash is the basic material that all life derives from, permeating all around us. You may have heard of the Akashic records, an endless library of information. This is not a new idea, many ancient philosophers of different cultures theorized that there was some kind of less dense substance existing all around us that life originally comes from. This includes minds like Aristotle, Descartes, and Isaac Newton. Well…even today this idea is now starting to seem more true than we can comprehend.

Zero point energy field (ZPE) is a concept within Quantum Physics. Now, I am not a physicist, so bare with me on this explanation. “Zero point energy is the energy that remains when all other energy is removed from a system” (Calphysics Institute). Meaning: all around us there is this zero point energy existing. This is the ground state energy, the energy of a system at absolute zero; even particles cooled down to absolute zero will retain some vibration due to their wave-like nature (Calphysics Institute). This exists throughout the universe. Everything around us is vibration, and is in some level of constant movement, so nothing can be completely still and without the existence of some kind of energy even if that energy is at the smallest microscopic level.

“We have now discovered that there is no such thing as matter, it is all just different rates of vibration designed by an unseen intelligence” -Max Planck, Nobel Prize Winner 1918 (known by many as originator of quantum theory)

Dr. Kulreet Chaundary, a neurologist, suggests that these similarities of ZPE and Akash/ether, seems to be more than coincidental. The idea that there is this energy all around us, a collective sum of existence, that we could potentially effect and tap into to is not a new idea. ZPE and what ancients called Akash/ether, seem to be quite similar. Could it be possible we are beginning to understand what the ancient Siddhas understood (Chaudhary, K)? This is a hypothesis, a theory that makes many modern minds upset, but in understanding the universe I believe we need to have a socratic mindset: “the only true widsom is in knowing that you know nothing” (Socrates).

If we were willing to look back on our ancient ancestors as intelligent and wise beings, how much more advanced could we be today?

If modern science took the knowledge of our ancient ancestors more seriously, and looked into the concepts and wisdom that they shared, where would we be today? How much more advanced and enlightened as a society could we be? As Graham Hancock perfectly states:

“I believe we are a species with amnesia, I think we have forgotten our roots and our origins. I think we are quite lost in many ways. And we live in a society that invests huge amounts of money and vast quantities of energy in ensuring that we all stay lost. A society that invests in creating unconsciousness, which invests in keeping people asleep so that we are just passive consumers or products and not really asking any of the questions.”

Let’s look at something very relevant to sound healing that the Siddhas perceived from this bliss sheath or what we could possibly compare in modern day terms to the zero point energy field: MANTRAS

Mantra means through the mind. It is important to note they are different than affirmations. Mantras are unheard primordial vibrations that are said to underlay the physical world. What does that mean? They are universal codes that have been translated to sound (Chaudhary, K). These vibratory codes are responsible for the physical world around us. When the enlightened masters entered deep states of meditation reaching the bliss body, they were able to perceive the mantras. They then were able to in a way translate them, and give them a sound/voice(Chaudhary, K).

Transcendental Mantra Meditation (TM) has begun to be seriously studied as a real medical practice. Studies have shown that these mantras have aided in: insomnia, depression, asthma, substance abuse, and outpatient visit reoccurrence. It’s important to remember that ether is sound that is audible and inaudible, so whether we are chanting these mantras out-loud, or in our minds, it is sound medicine.

Along with the emergence of the western scientific studies of mantras (remember these have been used for thousands of years so it’s not really anything new, just new to us over in the west), other methods of sound medicine are also being studied and showing very positive results.

As our modern world continues to catch up with what the ancients have known for thousands of years, it is exciting to think about the possibilties of what we will be able to confirm. I don’t really want to say discovered, because are we really discovering anything, or just remembering what we have forgotten?


McCraty R, Zayas MA. Cardiac coherence, self-regulation, autonomic stability, and psychosocial well-being. Front Psychol. 2014 Sep 29;5:1090. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01090. PMID: 25324802; PMCID: PMC4179616.

Abrams, M. (2023, November 2). The medicine of frequencies. what did einstein mean? | dr. Mitchell Abrams | tedxtrinitybellwoods. YouTube.

Vasant Lad, MASc, and The Ayurvedic Institute. (2024, January 8). What is ayurveda? introduction & guide: The Ayurvedic Institute. Ayurveda.

Chaudhary, K. (2020). Sound medicine: How to use the ancient science of sound to heal the body and mind. Harper Wave, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.

Villines, Z. (n.d.). What are chakras? concept, origins, and effect on health. Medical News Today.

Rubik B, Muehsam D, Hammerschlag R, Jain S. Biofield Science and Healing: History, Terminology, and Concepts. Glob Adv Health Med. 2015 Nov;4(Suppl):8-14. doi: 10.7453/gahmj.2015.038.suppl. Epub 2015 Nov 1. PMID: 26665037; PMCID: PMC4654789.

Calphysics. (n.d.). Zero Point Energy . Calphysics Institute: Introduction to zero-point energy.


